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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Congregate \Con"gre*gate\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Congregated; p. pr. & vb. n. Congregating] To collect into an assembly or assemblage; to assemble; to bring into one place, or into a united body; to gather together; to mass; to compact.

Any multitude of Christian men congregated may be termed by the name of a church.

Cold congregates all bodies.

The great receptacle Of congregated waters he called Seas.


vb. (present participle of congregate English)


n. the act of congregating [syn: congregation]

Usage examples of "congregating".

Yet, if he were here in Blue City and so many Cavernii congregating, an executive decision was imminent.

Then they will be back, congregating around the black star husk, sharing the knowledge they have brought, searching through it for that elusive ultimate understanding.

Now though she could see them congregating in the centre of the village again.

Four of them, including one breeder, were congregating round the open airlock into the control offices.

If we can prevent the arcology’s population from congregating, then the possessed will have to move themselves.

Tunnel Club activities mostly involve congregating informally in the better-lit main tunnels and hanging out and catching each other in lies about their lives and careers before E.

Just one lousy rat could give the whole Club a legit raison, an explicable reason for congregating underground all of them are a bit uneasy about liking to congregate underground for no good or clear reason.

There won't be serious movement till 2200, when the girls will drift from room to room, congregating, doing whatever packs of girls in robes and furry slippers do late at night, until deLint kills all the dormitory lights at the dorms' main breaker around 2300.