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vb. (en-third-person singular of: congratulate)

Usage examples of "congratulates".

The minister, with the conscious dignity of virtue, congratulates Gordian that he is delivered from the tyranny of the eunuchs, ^47 and still more that he is sensible of his deliverance.

By a public and passionate epistle, the emperor congratulates the deliverance of Alexandria from a popular tyrant, who deluded his blind votaries by the magic of his eloquence.

He congratulates the Roman pontiff on the restoration of his authority in the East.

Consequently, on these important subjects, which always seemed forever forbidden to him, he offers resolutions, reads addresses, makes harangues, obtains applause, and congratulates himself on having argued so well and with such big words.

On the following any at noon, he again returns, congratulates them more warmly, allows each one twenty francs, and urges them to keep on.

At Paris the Minister of Justice thanks them, the Commune congratulates them, and the sections feast them and embrace them.

Hiram laughs and congratulates him, though he doesn't believe he has the honor.

Cyclone is telling Hiram that he thinks his threeyear-old daughter has inherited his wind powers, and Hiram beams and shakes his hand and congratulates the doting daddy and proposes a toast.

At the restaurant, the store manager personally congratulates the children and gives them each a sticker and a certificate.

I don't tell everyone, but everyone tells me and congratulates me too.

This proclamation by the Governor to the State was immediately backed up by one from the Mayor of Baltimore to the city, in which he congratulates the citizens on the Governor's promise that none of their troops are to be sent to another State.

He refers to his new sense of discipline in veiled terms to Chali, who heartily congratulates him on having overcome maya’s strongest pull.