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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
conger eel
▪ Fishing Deep Sea fishing offers everything from conger eel to codling, even the occasional shark.
▪ He hooked and landed an enormous conger eel, whilst fishing from one of the boats in the harbour.
▪ Nothing alive in the world closes with such finality as the jaws of a conger eel.
conger eel

n. Any of various large marine eels of the family ''Congridae'', that have no scales and are found in temperate and tropical coastal waters.

conger eel

n. large somber-colored scaleless marine eel found in temperate and tropical coastal waters; some used for food [syn: conger]

Usage examples of "conger eel".

Upon this young actor's memory would be forever seared the information that the conger eel lays fifteen million eggs at one time and that the inhabitants of Upper Burmah have quaint native pastimes.

Figs in sesame sauce, rice with basil, another soup with egg yolk, neatly sliced conger eel, radish, and mushrooms accompanied by roe of sea urchin, several kinds of fish, including turbot, snapper, pike, and squid wrapped in a collage with varied types of seaweed, and lotus root mixed with intricately cut mussels, cucumber, and zucchini.

I recognized the Javanese, a real serpent two and a half feet long, of a livid color underneath, and which might easily be mistaken for a conger eel if it was not for the golden stripes on its sides.

Again that primaeval stirring in the trousers, reminiscent of a conger eel preparing to belt back to the Sargasso Sea where it belongs.