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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Congeal \Con*geal"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Congealed; p. pr. & vb. n. Congealing.] [F. congeler, L. congelare, -gelatumn; con- + gelare to freeze, gelu frost. See Gelid.]

  1. To change from a fluid to a solid state by cold; to freeze.

    Syn: jell, set.

    A vapory deluge lies to snow congealed.

  2. To affect as if by freezing; to check the flow of, or cause to run cold; to chill.

    As if with horror to congeal his blood.


vb. (present participle of congeal English)

Usage examples of "congealing".

It had a thatched roof, reeds rotting and congealing, caked in tidemark ripples of blue-green fungal growths.

A great pool of congealing blood oozed out from under the mound of bodies, dry and crusty at its periphery, scabbing the gray stone floor.

The Pavilion was a vast abattoir, an offal heap of inert shattered bodies, cracked concrete, splintered furniture, and all was covered with a thick, congealing patina of bright red blood.

Ryan leaned across the table, the congealing stew on his plate forgotten.

He turned on his heel to lead the way down the slope to where the four choppers lay abandoned in the sandand walked straight into the seventh and last of the attacking stickies, the one that had been cowering behind the spilled corpse of Dick the Hat, its mouth crusted with congealing human blood.

It was Ruby Rainer, her face smeared with soot and dirt, her "feeding" clothes stained and torn, the hem of her skirt sodden with what looked to be congealing blood.

The new brain layers, added by human genecrafters, let him regard each strand as a flaw in the quantum metric, left behind when the universe first cooled from an inflating superheated froth, congealing like a manylayered cake to form the varied levels of real and hyperspace.

The first time he looked closely at one, it started melting, congealing, taking on new, rounded contours.

As he listened to the description of the priceless sable coat, the sapphire necklace, the couture-model gown, and the jewel-strap slippers, he felt as if he were congealing in his chair as his breakfast cooled and hardened on the plate.

She suppressed an impulse to rub her stomach, where lunch had turned to a cold, congealing lump.

As he listened to the description of the priceless sable coat, the sapphire necklace, the couture model gown and the jewel-strap slippers, he felt as if he were congealing to his chair as his breakfast cooled and hardened on the plate.

Shock hit her like a sledgehammer, congealing her blood, numbing her fingertips.

His imagination had been running wild, a sick feeling congealing in his gut.

Penetration, root pattern of frost blossoming, congealing the brain to a blue-black rock of iron.

Even now, with its surface congealing and dimming, the heat was enough to barbecue food.