Confort is a commune in the Ain department in eastern France.
Usage examples of "confort".
And every confort possible in this cas They doon to hir, with all hir bisynesse, Al for to make hir leve hir hevynesse.
Ye goon to Caunterbury, God yow speede- The blisful martir quite yow youre meede- And wel I woot, as ye goon by the weye, Ye shapen yow to talen and to pleye, For trewely, confort ne myrthe is noon To ride by the weye doumb as stoon, And therfore wol I maken yow disport, As I seyde erst, and doon yow som confort.
But I, that am exiled and bareyne Of alle grace, and in so greet dispeir That ther nys erthe, water, fir, ne eir, Ne creature, that of hem maked is, That may me heelp, or doon confort in this, Wel oughte I sterve in wanhope and distresse, Farwel, my lif, my lust, and my galdnesse!
So longe han they conforted hir, til she Receyved hath by hope and by resoun The emprentyng of hir consolacioun, Thurgh which hir grete sorwe gan aswage.
Ne confort in this tyme hadde he noon, Save of his brother, which that was a clerk.
And thow that flour of virgines art alle, Of whom that Bernard list so wel to write, To thee at my bigynnyng first I calle, Thou confort of us wrecches, do me endite Thy maydens deeth, that wan thurgh hir merite The eterneel lyf, and of the feend victorie, As man may after reden in hir storie.
Recently she had turned to Jack for confort, but for once he had turned her away.