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alt. (plural of confederate English) n. (plural of confederate English)

Confederates (novel)

Confederates is a novel by the Australian author Thomas Keneally which uses the American Civil War as its main subject matter.

Confederates uses the United States Civil War as a setting for a more personal conflict between neighbors. In the midst of the war's climactic battle -- Antietam—another conflict is underway. Ephie Bumpass' husband Usaph and Ephie's lover Decatur Cate are thrown together to fight in the Shenandoah Volunteers. Cate's emasculating injury in the battle is a symbolic punishment for his sin.

Usage examples of "confederates".

After things began to settle into shape at Millen, they seemed to believe that they were in such ascendancy as to numbers and organization that they could put into execution their schemes of vengeance against those of us who had been active participants in the execution of their confederates at Andersonville.

Your leading abolitionists are as much affected by satanophany as your leading confederates, nor are they one whit more philosophical or less sophistical.

The Rebel was handed a blank parole by a companion, and he read over the printed condition at the top, which was that those signing agreed not to bear arms against the Confederates in the field, or in garrison, not to man any works, assist in any expedition, do any sort of guard duty, serve in any military constabulary, or perform any kind of military service until properly exchanged.

The war against them has been all wrong, and the confederates killed in battle have been murdered by the United States.

Stanton, the experienced lawyer, had promptly set the young man straight: that the seizure of the Confederates was fully justified by all the rules of international law, that the Union was fully in the right, and that it should be prepared to fight in a just cause.

Some unions were so close that, for instance, the Vandals, after part of their confederation had left for the Rhine, and thence went over to Spain and Africa, respected for forty consecutive years the landmarks and the abandoned villages of their confederates, and did not take possession of them until they had ascertained through envoys that their confederates did not intend to return.

Greece for a further year, fretting because his extended absence gave Cinna and his confederates more time to prepare for war.

One of the two legions Young Marius had kept in reserve deserted en masse to Servilius Vatia, and stood quietly while the slaughter of their confederates went on scant paces away.

They huddled on their stools like gulls battered by a tempest, trying not to look up at the underside of the Curia roof for fear that, like Saturninus and his confederates, they would be felled in an instant by a rain of tiles from above.

As was true of so many of her less well-known confederates in the art of love, Praecia had become an expert in sham.

He could no longer trust any of his Roman or Italian confederates, brought up in the same traditions as he, whereas his Spanish people were as yet innocent of that particular fault civilization brought along with it.