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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Confederacy \Con*fed"er*a*cy\, n.; pl. Confederacies. [From Confederate, a.]

  1. A league or compact between two or more persons, bodies of men, or states, for mutual support or common action; alliance.

    The friendships of the world are oft Confederacies in vice or leagues of pleasure.

    He hath heard of our confederacy.

    Virginia promoted a confederacy.

  2. The persons, bodies, states, or nations united by a league; a confederation.

    The Grecian common wealth, . . . the most heroic confederacy that ever existed.

    Virgil has a whole confederacy against him.

  3. (Law) A combination of two or more persons to commit an unlawful act, or to do a lawful act by unlawful means. See Conspiracy.

    Syn: League; compact; alliance; association; union; combination; confederation.


n. (plural of confederacy English)

Usage examples of "confederacies".

Already confederacies and correspondencies of the most extraordinary nature are forming in several countries.

The barbarians who overthrew the Roman Empire, whether of the West or the East, were nations, or confederacies of nations, but not states.

In Etruria, in Greece, ^28 and in Gaul, ^29 it was the first care of the senate to dissolve those dangerous confederacies, which taught mankind that, as the Roman arms prevailed by division, they might be resisted by union.

From hence arise unions bound by oaths and confederacies, and associations, things dangerous to a monarchy.

In Etruria, in Greece, ^28 and in Gaul, ^29 it was the first care of the senate to dissolve those dangerous confederacies, which taught mankind that, as the Roman arms prevailed by division, they might be resisted by union.

From hence arise unions bound by oaths and confederacies, and associations, things dangerous to a monarchy.

The Confederation which was early felt to be necessary was prepared from the models of the Batavian and Helvetic confederacies, the only examples which remain with any detail and precision in history, and certainly the only ones which the people at large had ever considered.

It has come to their knowledge that several numerous Shiite brotherhoods and confederacies along the Adriatic and lonian coast and inland to Serbia who support Bonaparte.

It has come to their knowledge that several numerous Shiite brotherhoods and confederacies along the Adriatic and lonian coast and inland to Serbia who support Bonaparte .

Most friendships are formed by caprice or by chance, mere confederacies in vice or leagues in folly.

Marcus, the friendships of the world are oft Confederacies in vice, or leagues of pleasure.

The terms of one of these confederacies were, that each should support the other in the right, or in the wrong, except against the king.