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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Conventional double-glazing cuts heat loss by conduction, but can not prevent loss by radiation.
▪ Cooking works by conduction, as heat from the surface is drawn in.
▪ Explanation Heat is transferred through objects by a process called conduction.
▪ If serious respiratory depression or cardiac conduction disturbances occur, emergency ventilatory support should be instituted.
▪ In a pure semiconductor the valence band is essentially filled and the higher conduction band essentially empty.
▪ Metallic bonding is related to electrical conduction and semi-conduction.
▪ Steaming Steaming is another method of moist heat cooking again by conduction.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Conduction \Con*duc"tion\ (k[o^]n*d[u^]k"sh[u^]n), n. [L. conductio a bringing together: cf. F. conduction.]

  1. The act of leading or guiding.
    --Sir W. Raleigh.

  2. The act of training up. [Obs.]
    --B. Jonson.

  3. (Physics) Transmission through, or by means of, a conductor; also, conductivity.

    [The] communication [of heat] from one body to another when they are in contact, or through a homogenous body from particle to particle, constitutes conduction.
    --Amer. Cyc.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1530s, "hiring;" 1540s, "leading, guidance," from Old French conduction "hire, renting," from Latin conductionem (nominative conductio), noun of action from past participle stem of conducere (see conduce). Sense of "conducting of a liquid through a channel" is from 1610s; in physics, of heat, etc., from 1814.


n. 1 (context physics English) The conveying of heat or electricity through material. 2 The act of leading or guide. 3 (context obsolete English) The act of training up.


n. the transmission of heat or electricity or sound [syn: conductivity]


Usage examples of "conduction".

Some sort of bioelectric conduction transference, she guessed even as her knees went weak and she collapsed to the rubble-strewn floor, coming to rest atop the buried remains of the Ryol's first victims.

This spiderweb conduction device was damnably simple, but no one yet had survived capture and escaped to tell about it.

Each time the phasers fired, the conduction mesh snapped viciously, sending jolts back into the privateer’s skin.

Flashes of greenish yellow light showed them the Orion conduction mesh building up to suck energy out of the cutter and burn further through her hull.

Likely they were concentrating on the privateer, which continued to dog them in spite of the conduction mesh gradually murdering it.

The heart's electrical conduction system, responsible for coordinating its beating, was severely impaired.

Everyone was a bit worried that the magnetic field might affect her unstable cardiac conduction system, but the urgency of settling on an intracranial diagnosis superseded all other concerns.

The concept grew firmer, throughout the igth century, that nerves conducted stimulations and that the conduction was in the form of an electric current.

Furthermore, since there are so many synapses to be passed (each a bottleneck), conduction of the nerve impulse is in general slow.

This filtering out of bone-conducted sound also means that we are not deafened by the sound of our voice, for we do not hear it through bone conduction chiefly, but through the sound waves carried by the air from mouth to ear.

Nevertheless, bone conduction is a minor factor and adds a resonance and body to our voice we do not hear in others.

No substance capable of carrying electricity by metallic conduction is transparent.

They go up a thousand feet into the cloud layer, where the wire provides a low-resistance conduction pathway and creates a lightning strike.

I thought briefly of cupping my hands and yelling bone conduction!

There's an audible hiss of pink noise as his glasses whisper in his ears, bone conduction providing a serial highway to his wetware.