Crossword clues for conditioning
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
The Collaborative International Dictionary
conditioning \conditioning\ n. a learning process in which an organism's behavior becomes dependent on the occurrence of a stimulus in its environment. See conditioned response.
n. 1 The process of modifying a person or animal's behaviour. 2 Any preparation or training, especially athletic training of the body. vb. (present participle of condition English)
n. a learning process in which an organism's behavior becomes dependent on the occurrence of a stimulus in its environment
Conditioning may refer to:
Beliefs depend on the available information. This idea is formalized in probability theory by conditioning. Conditional probabilities, conditional expectations and conditional distributions are treated on three levels: discrete probabilities, probability density functions, and measure theory. Conditioning leads to a non-random result if the condition is completely specified; otherwise, if the condition is left random, the result of conditioning is also random.
This article concentrates on interrelations between various kinds of conditioning, shown mostly by examples. For systematic treatment (and corresponding literature) see more specialized articles mentioned below.
Usage examples of "conditioning".
Each in my world, it seemed, carried about with him a bubble of space, a perimeter, a wall, an invisible shield, an unconsciously acculturated, socially sanctioned remoteness, a barrier decreed by convention and conditioning.
When Antinous was convinced that the conditioning was beginning to have the desired effect, he advanced to the next stage: actual training in pancration.
They rely on vows of virginity, and intensive antisexual conditioning, to keep the channels totally free.
The conditioning oriented behaviorist simply directs you to break the connection between the situation and the fear response.
There, desperately seeking air conditioning, he saw a lot of Bollywood films.
The interactive Zone Training programs automatically adjust resistance to keep you in your target heart-rate zone for optimal fat-burning or cardiovascular conditioning.
Taken off to the Imperial military planet of Carida, he had suffered weeks of torture and conditioning as xenosurgeons removed portions of his brain and replaced them with vat-grown organic circuits that allowed Furgan to use Terpfen as a perfectly disguised puppet.
Changing our reaction to the environment is another self-help approach based on classical conditioning methods.
Thus, as with classical conditioning, the setting exercises great control over our operant behavior.
By disparagement, by starvation, by repressions, forced direction, and the stunning hammerblows of conditioning, the free, roving mind is being pursued, roped, blunted, drugged.
There were long rows of palletized material, containing such things as industrial-size drill presses and lathes, a clutch of old refrigerators, a fire-fighting vehicle from a military airfield, skip boxes of scrap metal, industrial air conditioning units, several rusty-looking water heaters, and mounds of used truck tires.
Confections are commonly used by masters as rewards in the training and conditioning of their girls.
Ali-7 model had been more forthcoming than Ali-7 could bring himself to be, because Remson could filter out the cultural restraints of Medinan conditioning.
Like the microcircuitry that operated automatic doors and the faint, characteristic hum of air conditioning, it hovered momentarily within touching distance of his mind, then retreated again into the cloudy memory of white pain.
They tried metapsychic deep-redact and deprivation conditioning and multiphase electroshock and narcotherapy and old-time religion.