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conditioned reflexes

n. (plural of conditioned reflex English)

Usage examples of "conditioned reflexes".

The behaviorists, of whom the American psychologist John Broadus Watson was most prominent, tended to view all learning in the light of conditioned reflexes.

Such studies led Pavlov to a narrowly mechanical general theory of learning based on sequences - 'chains' - of conditioned reflexes.

In an effort to explain more complex human cognitive functions ('higher nervous activity') he developed as an extension of his reflexology the idea that, as well as the simple conditioned reflexes available to other animals, humans also possessed a higher-order 'second signaling system'.

The meri* would have acquired what are known in scientific jargon as conditioned reflexes.

I'd heard men claim ships could be handled by conditioned reflexes, but I'd never seen it tried before.

Caliban, however, was a white American born in 1903 and so more than probably had the usual conditioned reflexes of his “.

Knot's prompt action and logic had bypassed the man's conditioned reflexes and left him reasonable.

The point is valid: the difference between survival and wipe-out in a physical crisis is nearly always a matter of conditioned reflexes.

Most oldsters she had known had been as governed by conditioned reflexes as when they had been nineteen.

One of its properties is a destruction of many of the sociologically and psychologically conditioned reflexes which some term inhibitions, mores, or neuroses.

While she had been in this twilight sleep, Ahriman had been able to bypass her conscious mind, where volitional thinking occurred, and speak to her deep subconscious, where conditioned reflexes were established and where he met no resistance.

A composite of accepted rules of behaviour, conditioned reflexes, generally accepted norms--all this stood between them like a solid wall.

I tried not to imagine her in the House of Blue Lights, working three-hour shifts in an approximation of REM sleep, while her body and a bundle of conditioned reflexes took care of business.

Maybe all thought is a series of conditioned reflexes- but she certainly had picked up a lot of conditioning while I was gone.

He had had no experience in swordplay, no fencing lessons, no conditioned reflexes built up, and so he suddenly realized that he was not as dangerous as he would have liked to be.