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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Condescendingly \Con`de*scend"ing*ly\, adv. In a condescending manner.


adv. In a condescending manner.


adv. with condescension; in a patronizing manner; "he treats his secretary condescendingly" [syn: patronizingly, patronisingly]

Usage examples of "condescendingly".

The plan, or that part of it of which I was condescendingly informed, called for Clerval to remain on board to keep an eye on me, whilst Frankenstein and Saville were escorted ashore by Captain Walton, who claimed to be able to conduct them promptly to certain men with whom they would be able to do business.

Timokhin with the condescendingly interrogative smile with which everybody involuntarily addressed that officer.

And Sir Leicester is glad to repose in dignified contentment before the great fire in the library, condescendingly perusing the backs of his books or honouring the fine arts with a glance of approbation.

Lady Catherine herself condescendingly says, will connect themselves with such a family?

The unpleasant part of all this is that the young women he so condescendingly selects as partners for the dance greet him with seeming rapture, though in their hearts they must feel humiliated by his languid hauteur, and many older people beam upon him almost fawningly if he unbends so far as to throw them a careless, disdainful word!