alt. 1 (context uncountable English) The process of concretize a general principle or idea by delineate, particularize, or exemplifying it. 2 (context countable English) Something specific which is the result of a process of concretizing a general principle or idea. 3 (context uncountable medicine psychology English) An inability to generalize or perform abstraction accompanied by excessive concentration on specific details, as in a mental disorder or in cognition by children. n. 1 (context uncountable English) The process of concretize a general principle or idea by delineate, particularize, or exemplifying it. 2 (context countable English) Something specific which is the result of a process of concretizing a general principle or idea. 3 (context uncountable medicine psychology English) An inability to generalize or perform abstraction accompanied by excessive concentration on specific details, as in a mental disorder or in cognition by children.