Concilium is an academic journal of Roman Catholic theology. It was established in 1965 and is published five times a year. The journal was established by Anton van den Boogaard, Paul Brand, Yves Congar, Hans Küng, Johann Baptist Metz, Karl Rahner, and Edward Schillebeeckx. It is published in six languages: Croatian, English, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish.
Concilium aims at promoting theological discussion in the "spirit of Vatican II" from which it was born. It is a Catholic journal, but is open to other Christian theological traditions and non-Christian faiths.
Concilium may refer to:
- Concilium (journal), a worldwide journal of Catholic theology
- The Concilium Germanicum was the first major Church synod to be held in the eastern parts of the Frankish kingdoms
- The Concilium Plebis was the principal popular assembly of the ancient Roman Republic
- The Magnum Concilium, or Great Council, was established in the reign of the Normans
- Sacrosanctum Concilium, the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, is one of the constitutions of the Second Vatican Council
Usage examples of "concilium".
Nam illo incommodo de Sabini morte perlato omnes fere Galliae civitates de bello consultabant, nuntios legationesque in omnes partes dimittebant et quid reliqui consili caperent atque unde initium belli fieret explorabant nocturnaque in locis desertis concilia habebant.
They all know or feel this great ancient truth: Quod illi principi et præpotenti Deo qui omnem hunc mundum regit, nihil eorum quæe quidem fiant in terris acceptius quam concilia et cætus hominum jure sociati quæ civitates appellantur.
Her open avowal of the Rebel cause had cost her the office in the election of 2076, but she was still an influential Intendant Associate for Europe, a Magnate of the Concilium, and a Visiting Fellow in Cultural Anthropology at Oxford's Jesus College.
I was overjoyed when Esi, like Anna and myself, was appointed to the Human Directorate of the Galactic Concilium.
It has been aeons since It required us to physically excurse from Concilium Orb.
It was no longer necessary for him to spend interminable months in Orb overseeing the extraparliamentary affairs of the Human Concilium and its fledgling Directorates.
At the least, I would recommend that the Human Polity be put on probationary status in the Concilium for one Galactic year—.
Remember the grandstand play that Fury wreaked on the database computer at Concilium Orb when it helped Hydra escape from Scotland?
And now Marc has managed to rock the Human Polity to the core by defying Paul in that damned maiden speech of his before the Concilium.
The strongly coercive members of the family who might be able to penetrate the Megapod Reserve tracelessly and take her and the baby home and hide them would by that time be 4000 lightyears away on Concilium Orb, attending the inauguration.
After his narrow squeak with the Polity Science Directorate at the last Concilium session, the only way he'll be able to continue his research is with the backing of the Rebel bloc.
I'll brief the newlyweds on the entire situation when they attend the next Concilium session in Orb.
You belong where the exotic nominators said you belonged—on the Galactic Concilium.
In two weeks you'll be sending your new staff to Concilium Orb to deal with the preinauguration details and set up your office there.