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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Conciliate \Con*cil"i*ate\ (?; 106), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Conciliated; p. pr & vb. n. Conciliating.] [L. conciliatus, p. p. of conciliare to draw or bring together, unite, from concilium council. See Council.] To win ower; to gain from a state of hostility; to gain the good will or favor of; to make friendly; to mollify; to propitiate; to appease.

The rapacity of his father's administration had excited such universal discontent, that it was found expedient to conciliate the nation.

Syn: To reconcile; propitiate; appease; pacify.


vb. (present participle of conciliate English)

Usage examples of "conciliating".

As Ian seated her at the long dining table, he said in a conciliating tone, "You must see that it is important to Lady Adella that everyone is punctual for dinner.

She looked anything but conciliating, and when she turned her eyes to the door and observed the gentleman who had just entered, an expression of undisguised contempt swept her face.

You have so many noble admirers, ma'am, who pay you such assiduous court, that I could not suppose that a conciliating address would answer my purpose.

When Emma returned, still only fit for a convalescent home, she had to walk about day after day in search of work, conciliating the employers whom Mrs.

Perhaps Letty best succeeded in conciliating her, for Letty was homely and had the children to help her.

He remembered the man's flat, yellow face, his thin legs, his propitiatory smile, his beaming black eyes, his conciliating manner, his veiled hints which he did not understand at the time.

At the same time he made a vague gesture with his arm that could be taken as an equivalent of an approving and conciliating "just so!

Perhaps if she had been more conciliating, he might have told her his real rea­son for refusing to accept Grace as his cousin.

Above and behind him he could hear Mr Hervey's usually conciliating voice raised in passion, wanting to know whether those sweepers were ever coming aft -whether this bloody shambles was ever going to look like the deck of a man-of-war.