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vb. (en-past of: concertina)

Usage examples of "concertinaed".

A two-metre-diameter airlock tube had concertinaed out from the bay wall, just below the control centre, giving the maintenance team access to the life-support capsules buried at the core of the ship.

The struggle to get the landing craft off the beach, the fight to get her out of Shelter Bay and clear of the rocks of Sgeir Mhor in the teeth of the hurricane, the failure of the engines, the scene of utter confusion as she struck with the bridge deck concertinaed against the fortress mass of Sgeir Mhor.

One of the consoles buckled, big skinlike creases appearing in its composite sides as it concertinaed down towards the decking.

A fabric stocking concertinaed out, the pressure it had been stored under making it pour outwards like a liquid.

Tom hesitated at the bottom of the stairs, then bent to pick up the concertinaed paper lying by the front door.

Inching her way along up the hushed aisle, she stumbled through the concertinaed door of the loo, then fumbled with the bolt inside.

They concertinaed into themselves, so he looked like a bad impression of Groucho Marx chasing after Margaret Dumont.

The dream contained - even as a dying man's last breath is said to contain - crucial elements of that entire life, but concertinaed into a single vision of mere moments.

Black thermal-dump panels had concertinaed out, and folded back parallel with the wings, making way for silvered dishes and framework racks to rise out of their recesses.

Through the din of breaking glass and concertinaed metal he heard the voice of the Death-Boy, roaring, “Stop!

Too late now: the turquoise angels concertinaed, and he was looking down into the water.