alt. The cooperation of different interest groups in a specific action with a common goal. n. The cooperation of different interest groups in a specific action with a common goal.
Concerted action may refer to:
- the concept of protected concerted activity in labor law
- the concept of concerted action in anti-trust law
- Cooperation
Usage examples of "concerted action".
You ignore the recorded facts that it takes the concerted action and an eighty-five percent casualty of twenty ships to disable&hellip.
You ignore the recorded facts that it takes the concerted action and an eighty-five percent casualty of twenty ships to disableā¦.
A few Patrol ships were englobed by the concerted action of two or three sub-fleet commanders more cooperative or more far-sighted than the rest, and were blasted out of existence by an overwhelming concentration of power.
Sooner or later they would come to some conclusion and take some concerted action.
They were unlikely to show the same capacity for concerted action when they saw themselves as being asked to renounce the very opportunities for expanding and diversifying and generally outperforming their rivals that had spurred them before.
Even those Witches who desired to continue ruling from Es Castle as before were unwilling to make any commitments for concerted action, especially when the request for assistance came from Lormt, and stemmed originally from a hated Alizonder.
Everything was being done to compel their young men to grow old at Veii, and to make it impossible for their tribunes to secure the support of a full Assembly in the City either in their resistance to the concerted action of the senate, or for their proposals regarding the distribution of land and other measures in the interest of the plebs.
With concerted action, Vor felt that the Army of the Jihad could actually overthrow the computers now.
These resolutions were adopted by the Massachusetts Assembly, while a circular letter was sent to the other colonies, setting forth the need for concerted action.