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n. (plural of concern English) vb. (en-third-person singular of: concern)

Usage examples of "concerns".

I may just turn into the meanest goddamn Reversionist beach bum you and the Assembly and the Hundred Concerns and the Haluk ever met.

As you will have gathered, it is from the ITG and concerns our old friend.

She wished much to enquire when Count Morano was expected at the castle, but an unwillingness to ask unnecessary questions, and to mention family concerns to a servant, withheld her.

It is none of my concerns to enquire what it was about, but I believe you know it was so.

Quesnel for the active interest he took in her concerns, and to say, that she would meet him at Tholouse at the appointed time.

Inasmuch as most large concerns prosecute both an interstate and a domestic business, while the instrumentalities of interstate commerce and the pecuniary returns from such commerce are ordinarily property within the jurisdiction of some State or other, the task before the Court in drawing the line between the immunity claimed by interstate business on the one hand and the prerogatives claimed by local power on the other has at times involved it in self-contradiction, as successive developments have brought into prominence novel aspects of its complex problem or have altered the perspective in which the interests competing for its protection have appeared.

Since the courts established for the District are courts of the United States, their judgments stand upon the same footing, so far as concerns the obligations created by them, as domestic judgments of the States, wherever rendered and wherever sought to be enforced.

Another question concerns the official status of a person claiming to be an ambassador, etc.

While a State can no doubt set up its own standards of domicile as to its internal concerns, I do not think it can require us to accept and in the name of the Constitution impose them on other States.

Indeed, such a power would place every State under the control and dominion of the General Government, even in the administration of its internal concerns and reserved rights.

Government and the special concerns of the Church within the framework of our Constitution.

Rampart, youngest and smallest of the Hundred Concerns, was suing the pants off Galapharma, one of the oldest and largest.

Most specifically, from agents of Carnelian and Sheltok, the Concerns that have the most to lose.

While the Concerns screamed bloody murder at the prospect of Haluk trade disruption, the tabloid media would joyfully fan the flames of controversy.

We hoped that the Commonwealth citizenry would be sufficiently alarmed at the notion of Haluk doppelganger spies that they would pressure their Delegates interactively over the PlaNet, overriding the influence of the Concerns and forcing a review of the dubious treaties.