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vb. (en-archaic third-person singular of: concern)

Usage examples of "concerneth".

Now, since corpses ye are insomuch as concerneth this world, be ye reasonable and kindly corpses.

In spite of my follies and my shortcomings, I do believe that God loves and pities me, and will yet perfect that which concerneth me.

To-morrow, when thou takest the air in thy gondola, my Lady Laura, thou shalt look between the columns of the Ducal Palace and know whatever the State will declare to thee of that which concerneth the government alone!

In summe, he hath the Supreme Power in all causes, as well Ecclesiasticall, as Civill, as far as concerneth actions, and words, for those only are known, and may be accused.

Then ye may not do better, good folk, than gather and hear the tale I have to tell, sith it concerneth you, forasmuch as ye go to find that ye will not find, and seek that ye will seek in vain, my life being hostage for my word, and my word and message being these, namely: That a hap has happened where of the like has not been seen no more but once this two hundred years, which was the first and last time that that said misfortune strake the holy valley in that form by commandment of the Most High whereto by reasons just and causes thereunto contributing, wherein the matter—.

And therefore so far forth as concerneth the Old Testament, we may conclude, that whosoever had the Soveraignty of the Commonwealth amongst the Jews, the same had also the Supreme Authority in matter of Gods externall worship.