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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Conceivable \Con*ceiv"a*ble\, a. [Cf. F. concevable.] Capable of being conceived, imagined, or understood. ``Any conceivable weight.''
--Bp. Wilkins.

It is not conceivable that it should be indeed that very person whose shape and voice it assumed.
--Atterbury. -- Con*ceiv"a*ble*ness, n. -- Con*ceiv"a*bly, adv.


adv. In a conceivable manner, possibly.


adv. within the realm of possibility; "the weather may conceivably change"

Usage examples of "conceivably".

An isotope discovered only four years earlier, called U-235 or actinouranium, could conceivably fire off in a self-sustaining explosion of incalculable magnitude.

Conceivably, as Adams speculated, had General Nathanael Greene remained one of their commanders, things would have gone differently.

Conceivably Baumer had been acting from purely personal motivations when he approached her.

And yet the man who studied him more closely might discern a certain firmness of jaw and grim tightness about the lips which would warn him that there were depths beyond, and that this pleasant, brown-haired young Irishman might conceivably leave his mark for good or evil upon any society to which he was introduced.

Unaccountably, during World War II the Marines did not consider using dogs until after Guadalcanal, where canines, with their extraordinary sense of smell, could conceivably provide an excellent defense against the night infiltration by the Japanese.

Barner, I think, will be okay, but Gregory and Dunlop could conceivably be trouble.

Conceivably, the intruder could have leaped across the shaftway, caught the windowsill on the opposite wall, and then boosted himself up into the apartment there.

The man saw a stronger glow, one that said we could conceivably become friends, and immediately jumped to the wrong conclusion.

And if the person being attacked was too much stronger, the attacker could conceivably give up his life and still do less than lethal damage.

But the anger that flowed through his veins at having been interrupted in his quest was now far more consuming than whatever the boy could conceivably want of him.

There could conceivably be a vast network of hyperspace portals buried deep within the atmospheres of every gas giant in the galaxy.

The scouts were his friends and charges, and with his attentions divided so, they could conceivably suffer for it.

The way was now open to our advance, and could it have been carried out as rapidly as it had begun the Boers might conceivably have been scattered before they could concentrate.

I would like a check made of bookshops where Raeburn might conceivably have bought a copy in, say, the last couple of months.

Twenty-two thousand regular troops were on the spot who might hope to be reinforced by some ten thousand colonials, but these forces had to cover a great frontier, the attitude of Cape Colony was by no means whole-hearted and might become hostile, while the black population might conceivably throw in its weight against us.