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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Conceal \Con*ceal"\ (k[o^]n*s[=e]l"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Concealed (k[o^]n*s[=e]ld"); p. pr. & vb. n. Concealing.] [OF. conceler, L. concelare; con- + celareto hide; akin to AS. helan, G. hehlen, E. hele (to cover), helmet. See Hell, Helmet.] To hide or withdraw from observation; to cover; to cover or keep from sight; to prevent the discovery of; to withhold knowledge of.

It is the glory of God to conceal a thing.
--Prov. xxv. 2.

Declare ye among the nations, . . . publish and conceal not.
--Jer. l. 2.

He which finds him shall deserve our thanks, . . . He that conceals him, death.

Syn: To hide; secrete; screen; cover; disguise; dissemble; mask; veil; cloak; screen.

Usage: To Conceal, Hide, Disguise, Dissemble, Secrete. To hide is the generic term, which embraces all the rest. To conceal is simply not make known what we wish to keep secret. In the Bible hide often has the specific meaning of conceal. See
--1 Sam. iii. 17, 18. To disguise or dissemble is to conceal by assuming some false appearance. To secrete is to hide in some place of secrecy. A man may conceal facts, disguise his sentiments, dissemble his feelings, secrete stolen goods.

Bur double griefs afflict concealing hearts.

Both dissemble deeply their affections.

We have in these words a primary sense, which reveals a future state, and a secondary sense, which hides and secretes it.


n. 1 An act of concealment. 2 Material, etc. that conceals something. vb. (present participle of conceal English)

  1. adj. covering or hiding; "the concealing darkness"; "concealing curtains prevented discovery" [ant: revealing]

  2. n. the activity of keeping something secret [syn: concealment, hiding]

Usage examples of "concealing".

But Harlan was so preternaturally concerned with concealing my origin, I was unnerved.

Therefore, you two are the only ones capable of concealing the artifacts on this shipsometime between your departure from Doona and your return, via the Hrrilnorr system!

Todd wondered if the attachment might serve some specific purpose, concealing miniaturized devices, or was it a mark of rank, or both?

He hadn't been with the searchers when they'd looked in the old lead mine, or he'd have "found" the furs under the concealing layer of rubble in the ore carts.

The police had offered her the chance to be alone with his body, a chance she refused, concealing the horror she felt.

The need to wear pressure garments constantly meant that ‘formal dress’ for the women would be more concealing than usual.

The same husky voice, from a stocky frame that might be man or woman--impossible to tell, with layers of ragged clothes concealing its real shape.

Below, Patsy waited at the junction of the passageways, one hand behind the concealing wall.

At the other end of the room, Keff and Tall Eyebrow had moved on to the next part of the game, where they had to figure out the mystery that the Mask of Mulhavey was concealing, in spite of other pretend perils that occasionally distracted them.

Keff bowed, concealing the grin that poked out both sides of his mouth.

Unless that clunky communication system is concealing a much more sophisticated technology underneath, no one can see me.

She showed him a picture of them all driving off together but she was still concealing something.

We want you to get to know the people, find out what or who exactly is responsible for these problems: if Shongili is concealing experiments in producing new life-forms on this planet, we need to know about it.

Indeed, where the courtyard should have stepped down to the roadway the snow was even, concealing any depression where the road should have been.

He had to seek the concealing shelter of the forest several times as first fire lizards and then dragons flew overhead.