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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Computable \Com*put"a*ble\, a. [L. computabilis.] Capable of being computed, numbered, or reckoned.

Not easily computable by arithmetic.
--Sir M. Hale.


a. 1 Capable of being computed. 2 (context computing theory English) algorithmically computable, i.e. able to be calculated by a Turing machine


adj. may be computed or estimated; "a calculable risk"; "computable odds"; "estimable assets" [syn: estimable]


Usage examples of "computable".

If pilots would only realize that the asteroids flow in fixed directions at computable speeds nobody would come to grief out here.

A pamphlet with a suspiciously Germanic ring to it - On Computable Numbers, with an Application to the Entscheidungs problem - inscribed 'To Tom, with fond respect, Alan'.

But this "free" behavior is still information, and nothing but information: which means that it is ultimately computable, to any desired degree of accuracy.

He reasons that, since everything is connected, and all these connections constitute information, and all information is computable (at least ideally, in the mind of God), then we must be living in the best of all possible worlds.

There was a computable probability that they would put us together in hopes of finding out what they wanted to know.

For since the onlooker-consciousness is quite unable to conceive the existence of numerical relationships in the physical world except as sums of computable units in space, it was natural for this type of consciousness to reduce all empirically established numerical relationships to correspending relationships among quantities of the smallest possible material or matter-like units.

By programming movements and actions for the print/erase head, any computable problem can be solved.