Compustat is a database of financial, statistical and market information on active and inactive global companies throughout the world. The service began in 1962.
This database provides a broad range of information products directed at institutional investors, universities, bankers, advisors, analysts, and asset/portfolio managers in corporate, M&A, private capital, equity, and fixed income markets. The database covers 99,000 global securities, covering 99% of the world's total market capitalization with annual company data history available back to 1950 and quarterly data available back to 1962 (depending when that company was added to the database).
The following information is available:
- Compustat Data including Compustat North America, Compustat International, Compustat Global, and Compustat Point-in-Time data sets
- Industry classification and universe management by GICS, NAICS and SIC
- Key market identifiers, including CUSIP, ISIN, and SEDOL
Integrated Databases
- Monthly and daily pricing data
- Standard & Poor's and other leading Index Data
- Estimates data from Capital IQ and Thomson I/B/E/S
- Qualitative content including business descriptions, officer information, and executive compensation
- Corporate Actions and Insider and Institutional Holdings
Proprietary Data
- Capital IQ qualitative data
- Standard & Poor’s Stock Reports
- Standard & Poor’s Industry Surveys
- Standard & Poor’s Issuer Credit Ratings