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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Compulsively \Com*pul"sive*ly\, adv. By compulsion; by force.


adv. In a compulsive manner; obsessively.


adv. in a compulsive manner; "he cleaned his shoes compulsively after every walk" [syn: obsessively, obsessionally]

Usage examples of "compulsively".

Otherwise sane, Latahs compulsively imitate every motion once their attention is attracted by snapping the fingers or calling sharply.

Peter was still in midflow, sitting on the bench, talking compulsively, bringing up page after page of data.

If there is anything which can safely be said about those who emotionally team up with narcissists, it is that they are overtly and overly dependent, even compulsively so.

This was after the girl Orin had been wildly in love with and Himself had compulsively used in films had been disfigured.

Pemulis is compulsively going around zipping and unzipping everything in the room with a zipper, a habit of his Hal loathes.

Pemulis compulsively zips and unzips zippers, is the reason why he wears only button-fly pants and tennis shorts.

The only empty seats are in the meeting's back row 'Denial Aisle,' the back rows are usually called and Joelle is surrounded by catexic newcomers crossing and uncrossing their legs every few seconds and sniffing compulsively and looking like they're wearing everything they own.

The painting that had particularly nailed nine-year-old Hal and had had him popping Nunhagen compulsively until his ears started ringing and didn't stop for almost a week had been of a deeply parlor-tanned and vaguely familiar upscale male, a disembodied fist yanking a handful of brains out of the guy's left ear while the guy's overhealthy face, like most of the ad's faces, wears a queer look of intense unhappy concentration, one more of like brooding than conventionally expressive of pain.

The Moms, on the other hand, can function with the compulsions because she's also compulsively efficient and practical about her compulsions.

What I'm trying to say is she's compulsively efficient even about her obsessions and compulsions.

As for Robinson, he was compulsively squeezing his beret, manipulating it like an exercise ball for arthritics.

The work of individuation, however, demands that one should not be compulsively affected in this way.

Benjamin sees melancholia as a compulsive response to an intolerable situation: one in which everything seems to be fragments and ruins, in which we know that we are irrecuperably estranged from a supposed 'origin' to which we nonetheless continue compulsively to refer.

Backing away, hissing, you see the huge dark shape that comes behind them—walking two-legged, claws like knives lashing out in amusement at the shrieking tats, the long lashing tail balancing out behind: high above, the blunt and massive head, jaws working compulsively, huge razory fangs gleaming even in this dim light: and gazing down at you through the darkness, the eyes—the small, gemlike, cruelly smiling eyes, with your death in them: everything’s death.

Khiindi said, moving away from the bars to preserve his dignity, then ruining it by having to scratch compulsively at his left ear while biting the base of his tail on the other side.