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compound eyes

n. (plural of compound eye English)

Usage examples of "compound eyes".

It was oblong, with jet-black compound eyes sticking out bulbously on either side and powerful mandibles in front.

Jointed legs and compound eyes and drooping feelers, scrambling around and over each other in constant darting motion.

She drew her hand back until the tiny creature rested only inches from her face, its compound eyes staring back at her as if understanding the sudden awe in her eyes.

Her finely shaped head continually shifted from one human to the other, even though the exceptional peripheral vision provided by her compound eyes meant that she could survey nearly the entire room without moving it at all.

He glanced up, meeting compound eyes, and with both hands wrenched sharply on the snake's neck.

When gazing at compound eyes, it is difficult to tell for certain exactly where they are focused.

And a part of its brain as well: Kud'ar Mub'at could look into Balancesheet's compound eyes and see a calculating replica of itself.

The faces-all mandibles and palps and compound eyes-were more like those of insects than spiders or anything else that Carla knew from experience.

The great compound eyes, on which Priest-Kings so seldom depended, were radiant.

A metal helmet shaded the deep-set compound eyes, and a loose mantle flapped around the knobbed knees.

Though his compound eyes were incapable of distinguishing shapes, their sensitivity to movement made him the best gunner in the squadron.

An Archa seated between the compound eyes guided the beast by touching a golden rod to the joint between the head and the first body segment.

Truzenzuzex's flashing compound eyes moved constantly from screen to other instruments.

Vast compound eyes shone bright with reflected light from the street illuminators.