Composita is a brachiopod genus that lived from the Devonian to the Permian. Composita had a smooth shell with a more or less distinct fold and sulcus and a round opening for the pedicle on the pedicle valve. Composita is included in the family Athyrididae (Order Athyridida) and placed in the subfamily Spirigerellinae.
Related genera include Cariothyris and Planalvus along with Athyris
Usage examples of "composita".
Take that handkerchief off of her head, and cut her hair close, and keep her temples cool, and put some drawing plasters to the soles of her feet, and give her some of my pilulae compositae, and follow them with some doses of sal polychrest.
Compositae, states that these organs, when dead, are as elastic as threads of indiarubber, and are then only half as long as they were when alive.
Aldrovanda, 321 , on contractile tissues in plants, 364 , on movements of stamens of Compositae, 256 , on Utricularia, 395 Colchicine, action on Drosera, 204 Copper chloride, action on Drosera, 185 Crystallin, its digestion by Drosera, 120 Curare, action on Drosera, 204 Curtis, Dr.
American cuckoo Britain, mammals of Bronn, on duration of specific forms Brown, Robert, on classification Buckman, on variation in plants Buzareingues on sterility of varieties Cabbage, varieties of, crossed Calceolaria Canary-birds, sterility of hybrids Cape de Verde islands Cape of Good Hope, plants of Carrier-pigeons killed by hawks Cassini on flowers of composita Catasetum Cats, with blue eyes, deaf.
These differences have been attributed by some authors to pressure, and the shape of the seeds in the ray-florets in some Compositae countenances this idea.
Columba livia, parent of domestic pigeons Colymbetes Compositae, outer and inner florets of.
It referred to inert vegetable matter, minimal water content, insignificant mineral traces, non-toxic alkaloids, all derived from a plant of the genus Compositae, probably Taraxacum Officinale, or the common dandelion.
There was no breeze and the air was full of the sweet, chrysanthemum-like smell of the flowering compositae of dry uplands--corn chamomile, yarrow and tansy.
In America great detriment is occasioned by the growth of Erigeron canadensis, and newly cleared ground planted with Peppermint, is liable to the intrusion of another plant of the order Compositae, Erechtites hieracifolia, which is also highly injurious to the quality of the oil.
This plant has nothing to do with either of the well- known Artichokes both of which belong to the Compositae family, whereas this belongs to the Mint family, Labiatae, and to the same genus that is represented here by the Woundworts and Wood Betony.
Inulin is widely distributed in the perennial roots of Compositae, and has been met with in the natural orders Campanulacae, Goodeniaceae, Lobeliaceae, Stylidiaceae, and in the root of the White Ipecacuanha of Brazil, belonging to the order Violaceae.