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vb. (present participle of compliment English)

Usage examples of "complimenting".

After the customary greetings he began by complimenting me on the success of my lottery, and then remarked that I had distributed tickets for more than six thousand francs.

At noon the worthy prelate was shewn up to my room, and began by complimenting me on the good reputation I had at Zurich, saying that this made him believe that my vocation was a real one.

I need not say whether she was pleased or not at my refraining from complimenting her upon her fine proportions.

So saying he gave me my hundred sequins, complimenting me on my success, and I slipped them forthwith into my pocket.

He received me with great politeness, and began by complimenting me on the high place I enjoyed in the opinion of M.

After complimenting me he said that if I could carry through the same operation for the India Company my fortune would be made.

He was always complimenting her, but then he complimented everyone, even Manuel when he played with passion.

He bowed his head almost as low as the table, to a complimenting nobleman.

Miroe spoke quietly, complimenting her competence, asking innocuous questions.