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vb. (en-past of: compliment)

Usage examples of "complimented".

A dancer of my acquaintance, whom curiosity had brought there with the rest, came up to me, complimented me upon my fortunate escape, and told me everybody was talking about it.

We rose, Yusuf embraced me, I complimented him, the slave left the room.

He complimented us with perfect good faith, and I told him, my face beaming with happiness, that I was going to order the carriage.

The agreeable mistress of the house complimented me on my noble acquaintances, and made me promise to cultivate their society.

Having somewhat rearranged her dress she sat down, and her mother, coming in at that moment, complimented me upon my good looks and my bright countenance, and told Lucie to dress herself to attend mass.

Before leaving his room, I had the strength of mind to compose myself, and I put on such an air of cheerfulness that the Abbe Gama, who took me to his room to drink some coffee, complimented me upon my happy looks.

She bowed and complimented him and he bowed and she returned his bow again.

Mariko and Fujiko sucked in their breaths and smiled and bowed and complimented Buntaro and he nodded and bowed slightly.

She chatted easily, complimented him extravagantly, and petted him to sleep, her hands and voice out of long habit smoothly achieving all that was necessary of their own volition.

Toranaga complimented him on the improvement and began to speak faster.

In the evening everyone in our circle, being well aware of what had happened, complimented me, and assured me that nothing could be handsomer than my new head-dress.

He complimented me upon the honour conferred on me by the invitation of Cardinal S.

She complimented me upon my having resumed my attendance at their church.

She went away, and the noble banker, bowing, complimented her upon her good fortune.

I was glad to see that she was getting back her health and her beauty every day, and having complimented her upon it I returned to Venice.