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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Compliantly \Com*pli"ant*ly\, adv. In a compliant manner.


adv. in a compliant manner

Usage examples of "compliantly".

Grianne followed after him compliantly, but had to be hauled over the rougher spots.

Taking up his sword, he sprang compliantly to Aglaca's side, ready to hack and dig and fight anything that stood between him and the captured girl.

For a long time developers have been slobbering over the prospect of invading and paving this preservea notion recently endorsed by county commissioners, who once again have rolled over compliantly at the whiff of money.

At Zelda's instructions she moved compliantly to allow the old woman to soap down each leg in turn.

Already his entire upper trunk was dusted with this snow, which lost its similarity to snow because it did not descend compliantly on the metal surfaces of the hull, did not collect loosely in its hollows, but adhered like a white syrup, sprouted, sent out milky threads, and before Parvis realized it, he had grown snowy fur all over.