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The Collaborative International Dictionary

completing \completing\ adj. serving to complete.

Syn: complemental, complementary, supplemental, supplementary.


vb. (present participle of complete English)


adj. acting as or providing a complement (something that completes the whole) [syn: complemental, complementary]

Usage examples of "completing".

With its five windmill-sail thermo-dump panels extended from its central section, the colonist-carrier was rotating slowly about its drive axis, completing one revolution every twenty minutes.

Awkward, angular shadows overlapped right around the compartment, completing the image of gothic anarchy.

Hard-pressed navy engineers had plugged the standard components together, completing several hundred each day.

That’s a little bonus you’re going to award me for completing my mission.

The green column beside it represents SD(P)s currently undergoing trials or completing construction.

Even if something happened to Grosclaude before the colonel got around to completing the rest of project, he was covered.

The old Second Fleet had been dissolved after Thunderbolt, and the new one's skeleton of veteran units was receiving primarily new construction, straight from completing working up exercises under Shannon Foraker's direction in Bolthole.

Among other things, it means the ships they were pulled off of are going to be even later in completing, and their concentration only covered about a quarter of their total SD(P) strength.

She enjoyed the chal lenge of completing the drill well within the allotted time.

Kai had more color in his face when he and Portegin joined her for breakfast, discussing priorities for Portegin's skills: the new core screen or completing repairs to the shuttle's damaged console.

She was torn between completing a quest she had set herself years ago, and staying with a man who loved her.

Abe was safe here, ‘from rock and tempest, fire and foe,’ safe in whatever safety death offered, completing his service as he had wished.

Rhyssa replied, "but Talent recognizes that completing the station is far more im portant than individual personal considerations.

With many flowing and apparently sincere phrases, the President thanked Manager Barchenka for succeeding "where so many others had been defeated by such a monumental task" in completing the Space Station on time.

You and I are their best bet for completing the additions at First Base.