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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Complaisant \Com"plai*sant\, a. [F. complaisant, p. pr. of complaire to acquiesce as a favor, fr. L. complacere. See Complacent.] Desirous to please; courteous; obliging; compliant; as, a complaisant gentleman.

There are to whom my satire seems too bold: Scarce to wise Peter complaisant enough.

Syn: Obliging; courteous; affable; gracious; civil; polite; well-bred. See Obliging. -- Com"plai*sant`ly, adv. -- Com"plai*sant`ness, n.


adv. (context archaic English) In a complaisant manner; obligingly.

Usage examples of "complaisantly".

Nevertheless she followed him complaisantly and sat beside him, knees and hands in contact.

He pressed Perrotin with questions: and he, on his part, flattered and smiling, complaisantly unrolled his pyrrhonian visions, as peaceable as they were destructive.

The Angelins complaisantly began to laugh, but they did not seem convinced.

La Couteau had also very complaisantly promised to call each month at one or another of her journeys in order to receive the thirty francs, thereby saving the mother the trouble of sending the money by post, and also enabling her to obtain fresh news of her child.

And it was they who moved, not the forest, working a treadmill of mud and slime and green sweat without respite or hope of progress, mind sunk complaisantly into body, a stone beneath the ripples and eddying of language.