Crossword clues for compilers
n. (plural of compiler English)
Usage examples of "compilers".
The stuff was grown in illicit matter compilers, squirreled away in vacant low-rent housing blocks, and carried by the runners to the actual street dealers.
Waiting in a queue for one of the free matter compilers, a bum said, "One of them Ashanti gave me five yuks.
Use of these compilers had to be logged, so he identified himself and the project first.
X for the use of one of his matter compilers, which was connected to private Sources owned by Dr.
These containers could be loaded on board with cranes and hooked up to the matter compilers in the same way that Feed lines would be if they resided on shore.
It is their view that one day, instead of Feeds terminating in matter compilers, we will have Seeds that, sown on the earth, will sprout up into houses, hamburgers, spaceships, and books that the Seed will develop inevitably from the Feed, and that upon it will be founded a more highly evolved society.
It is their view that one day, instead of Feeds terminating in matter compilers, we will have Seeds that, sown on the earth, will sprout up into houses, hamburgers, spaceships, and booksthat the Seed will develop inevitably from the Feed, and that upon it will be founded a more highly evolved society.
Ockley, or by the self sufficient compilers of the Modern Universal History.
It is needless to recapitulate the compilers and critics of Italian history, Sigonius, Baronius, Pagi, Giannone, Muratori, St.
Except Herodotus, the great historians of Greece - we exclude the more modern compilers, like Diodorus Siculus - limited themselves to a single period, or at 'east to the contracted sphere of Grecian affairs.
A cloud of critics, of compilers, of commentators, darkened the face of learning, and the decline of genius was soon followed by the corruption of taste.
The old abbreviators and modern compilers have blindly followed the Augustan History.
Except Herodotus, the great historians of Greece - we exclude the more modern compilers, like Diodorus Siculus - limited themselves to a single period, or at 'east to the contracted sphere of Grecian affairs.
A cloud of critics, of compilers, of commentators, darkened the face of learning, and the decline of genius was soon followed by the corruption of taste.
It is needless to recapitulate the compilers and critics of Italian history, Sigonius, Baronius, Pagi, Giannone, Muratori, St.