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competitive advantage

n. something that places a company or a person above the competition

Competitive advantage

Competitive advantage is a business concept describing attributes that allow an organization to outperform its competitors. These attributes may include access to natural resources,such as high grade ores or inexpensive power, highly skilled personnel, geographic location, high entry barriers, etc. New technologies, such as robotics and information technology, can also provide competitive advantage, whether as a part of the product itself, as an advantage to the making of the product, or as a competitive aid in the business process (for example, better identification and understanding of customers) and the country's economy.

Usage examples of "competitive advantage".

If the building codes set minimum standards of construction, a builder does not get very much competitive advantage by exceeding those standards and, accordingly, he tends to meet only the minimums.

Hence we must ask: What were the factors that tipped the competitive advantage away from the former and toward the latter?

We do tend to lag behind Commonality and Federation companies at times, with them always scrambling for some minor competitive advantage.

Now there are nine around the world, and what they all sell is competitive advantage, meaning speed.

Those cultures that teach an afterlife of bliss for heroes - or even for those who just did what those in authority told them - might gain a competitive advantage.

Man's brain had not evolved appreciably since he achieved competent verbal communication because there had no longer been a competitive advantage in higher intelligence.

But this is not a story about safety, it is a story about competitive advantage.

ATI had no previous link to the pharmacies and therefore no competitive advantage.