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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Compendiously \Com*pen"di*ous*ly\, adv. In a compendious manner.

Compendiously expressed by the word chaos.


adv. In a compendious manner.

Usage examples of "compendiously".

Next, you must all learn political economy, which I will teach you, very compendiously, in lectures over the bottle.

Farebrother on the possible histories of creatures that converse compendiously with their antennae, and for aught we know may hold reformed parliaments.

Therefore, what necessity was there on account of these gifts, either of soul, or body, or outward estate, to worship and invoke so great a crowd of gods, all of whom I have not mentioned, nor have they themselves been able to provide for all human benefits, minutely and singly methodized, minute and single gods, when the one goddess Felicity was able, with the greatest ease, compendiously to bestow the whole of them?