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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
downwardly compatible
▪ Output must be fully compatible with all the major word processors and battery life should be measured in days rather than hours.
▪ And because Lotus is the market leader, Microsoft has ensured that Excel is fully compatible with 123.
▪ The two are fully compatible so, for example, bold text appears bold without any extra effort.
▪ BankTrak is included to provide daily balance reporting, together with transaction details direct to a compatible computer on the customer's premises.
▪ Consider now a range of compatible computers.
Compatible couples generally share the same values and have similar lifestyles and goals.
▪ Certain kinds of drug are not compatible and should never been taken together.
▪ The success of a relationship depends largely on how compatible two people are and how well they communicate.
▪ The two businesses have compatible aims, and a merger would be to everyone's advantage.
▪ Unfortunately he bought a printer that was not compatible with his computer.
▪ In the end these separate plans are cobbled together by a central planning department and adjusted to make them compatible.
▪ It is functionally compatible with 24-pin generic array logic devices and functions at the same speed as the 16V8 above.
▪ Liver biopsy, performed in 10 patients, showed changes compatible with sclerosing cholangitis in non-AIDS patients in five cases.
▪ Quite often they have to be compatible, however, with paintings or with full-size sets or even with location shots.
▪ Recipes accepted as great and sacrosanct are not always compatible with sense.
▪ The very fact that one can choose, however, shows that the two figures are compatible.
▪ This is a double responsibility: two responsibilities which sometimes are not compatible.
▪ To put it in its starkest form, capitalism is perfectly compatible with slavery.
▪ The first is that there are no systematic entailments between sentences differing only in respect of compatibles in parallel syntactic positions.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Compatible \Com*pat"i*ble\, a. [F., fr. LL.compatibilis, fr. L. compati. See Compassion.] Capable of existing in harmony; congruous; suitable; not repugnant; -- usually followed by with.

Our poets have joined together such qualities as are by nature the most compatible.

Syn: Consistent; suitable; agreeable; accordant.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

mid-15c., from Middle French compatible (15c.), from Medieval Latin compatibilis, from Late Latin compati (see compassion). Related: Compatibility.


a. 1 Capable of easy interaction. 2 Able to get along well. 3 consistent; congruous. n. Something that is compatible with something else.

  1. adj. able to exist and perform in harmonious or agreeable combination; "a compatible married couple"; "her deeds were compatible with her ideology" [ant: incompatible]

  2. having similar disposition and tastes; "a compatible married couple"; "with their many similar tastes, he found her a most sympathetic companion" [syn: sympathetic]

  3. capable of being used with or connected to other devices or components without modification [ant: incompatible]

  4. (of a couple) existing together harmoniously [syn: well-matched]

  5. capable of forming a homogeneous mixture that neither separates nor is altered by chemical interaction

Usage examples of "compatible".

Now, with her promotion, she could concentrate more on hard news, which was more compatible with her immediate goal of becoming an evening anchorperson either here in Dallas or in some other major market, which she hoped would be a stepping-stone to a network position or a cable job that provided nationwide exposure.

Were I again to deliver a course of physiological lectures to qualified hearers, I should make the experimental demonstrations on living animals as few and far between as was compatible with duty.

I suggest you hold on to your questions until we move into cognitive psychology, as cognitive ideas are more compatible with the behavioristic approach than the ideas of the late Mr.

But neither were Heechee Ancestor-storage and our own gigabit net compatible at first.

Some critics assert that NGOs, since they are outside and often in conflict with state power, are compatible with and serve the neoliberal project of global capital.

The highest intellectual cultivation is perfectly compatible with the daily cares and toils of working-men.

Well, modern zoos put their animals in superficially compatible habitats so that the stupid ones might not even be aware of their confinement.

The uncomfortable truth is that the two beliefs are not factually compatible.

How is this compatible with that perfect immutability and simplicity which all true Theists ascribe to the Deity?

Naturally this led him to explain the characteristics of people born under those two signs, and which signs were compatible, and that his late wife had been born in the Year of the Horse.

He had forgotten whether that made the two of them compatible or incompatible, but since she had been run over by a combine harvester on their fifth anniversary they really had not had much opportunity to discover whether or not they were compatible in the long run.

And how there was clearly no escape,--no escape compatible with that clean-handed truth from which it was not possible for him to swerve.

Mr Grey was deterred, no doubt by certain high State purposes, from applying for the stewardship of the Chiltern Hundreds, and thereby releasing himself from his seat in Parliament, and enabling himself to perform, with a clear conscience, duties in a distant part of the world which he did not feel to be compatible with that seat.

Such an offence is compatible with uniform kindness and most affectionate consideration.

That lesson seems to me to be hardly compatible with continual improvement in the condition of the lower man.