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Comparison microscope

A comparison microscope is a device used to analyze side-by-side specimens. It consists of two microscopes connected by an optical bridge, which results in a split view window enabling two separate objects to be viewed simultaneously. This avoids the observer having to rely on memory when comparing two objects under a conventional microscope.

Usage examples of "comparison microscope".

In addition to the basic instruments that Mel Cooper had brought with him, there was now a scanning electron microscope fitted with the X-ray unit, notation and hot-stage 'scope setups for testing glass, a comparison microscope, a density-gradient tube for soil testing and a hundred beakers, jars and bottles of chemicals.

He gazed through the eyepieces of the comparison microscope, adjusted the focus and then moved the stages so the samples were next to each other in the split-screen viewfinder.

He gazed through the eyepieces of the comparison microscope, adjusted the focus and then moved the stages so the samples were next to each other in the splitscreen viewfinder.

Before I left her floor, I stopped by Firearms, where Frost was seated before a comparison microscope, examining an old military bayonet on top of a stage.

The technician in the ballistics room was shuttling bullets through a comparison microscope when Arkady returned.

My colour comparison microscope, which permits the comparison of the ink on two different documents or two places on one document at the same time, tells me something.

Frank, a wiry white-haired man retired from the army's CID, was hunched over the comparison microscope.

But under a comparison microscope there were very small differences of registration.

The shells and bullets found at the scene of Mike Reardon's death had been put beneath the comparison microscope together with the shells and bullets used in the killing of David Foster.

He put the blood-drop on a slide and inserted it at one side of a comparison microscope, nodding.

If it should ever become necessary for Sheriff Jackson to determine whether the bullet found in the Sergeant's skull had come from Joe Loustalot's rifle, all his experts had to do was dig the slugs out of the rotten sycamore stump and compare the rifling grooves with those on the bullet removed from Humphries' brain, using a ballistics comparison microscope.

He placed it on one side of the comparison microscope and took another from the set he'd just fired.