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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Compact \Com*pact"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Compacted; p. pr. & vb. n. Compacting.]

  1. To thrust, drive, or press closely together; to join firmly; to consolidate; to make close; -- as the parts which compose a body.

    Now the bright sun compacts the precious stone.

  2. To unite or connect firmly, as in a system.

    The whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth.
    --Eph. iv. 16.


vb. (present participle of compact English)

Usage examples of "compacting".

Instead of lowering his defenses, the eerie solitude intensified Pittman's apprehension, sending warning signals throughout his body, compacting his muscles.

Instead of lowering his defenses, the eerie solitudeintensified Pittman's apprehension, sending warning signals throughouthis body, compacting his muscles.

She lifted it up at him, a red flame leaping from it, compacting his chest and knocking him back a meter and to the ground.

They hurried forward in single file at a run, making and compacting a path in the snow as they went, their heads held low against the blizzard, covering the locks of their guns with the lappets of their coats.

She could have died at home with a bottle and enough time, or by compacting her Camaro against a bridge abutment at high speed if she'd been in a hurry to check out.

The conveyor belt drew their cage into the yawning mouth of the compacting machine.

Compacting her body to conserve warmth, for there was a dank chill draught here, redolent of loathsome decay, she set about giving herself instructions for resistance, even though already a hint of anger colored her thoughts when she remembered Ugant so prosperous in her fine home, so ready to enlist a stranger in her cause.

Laying involves depositing the wet mix, spreading it out, compacting it, leveling it, and finally imparting a rough texture to it by dragging wet burlap over it.