The Collaborative International Dictionary
Communis may refer to:
- Communis opinio, a Latin phrase referring to "common opinion," or "the generally accepted view"
- Doctor Communis, a term for Saint Thomas Aquinas (ca. 1225-1274), an Italian priest of the Roman Catholic Church
- Fratres Communis Vitae, a Roman Catholic religious community founded in the 14th century
- Res communis, the public domain
- Sensus communis, the part of the psyche responsible for binding the inputs of the individual sense organs
Usage examples of "communis".
Caesar consilio eius probato, etsi opinione trium legionum deiectus ad duas redierat, tamen unum communis salutis auxilium in celeritate ponebat.
Ay, sure, Mors omnibus communis: but there is a great difference between dying in one's bed a great many years hence, like a good Christian, with all our friends crying about us, and being shot to-day or to-morrow, like a mad dog.
We made some trials with Abies communis and pectinata, by pinching with wire the leading and all the lateral shoots excepting one.
There are two principal forms of the Almond the one with entirely pink flowers, Amygdalus communis, var.
Great Britain only furnishes one species of this tribe, Tamus communis, which, from its powerful, acrid and cathartic qualities, ranks as a dangerous irritant poison.