n. A person who lives in a commune
Usage examples of "communard".
Premier de Palikao seemed to have taken a serious view of that blatant Communard demonstration.
Ville the leaders of the various republican factions, from moderate Third Partyists to the Communard extremists, and all those men began wrangling as to how a new government could quickest be instituted and which among them would constitute it.
Jews, or foreigners, or Frenchmen known to be unsympathetic to the Communard cause, or if they were owed money by anyone in the mob.
And of course Gaspard de Lareinty was high in the councils of the emperor, so any of his family might be marked for Communard vindictiveness.
When those atrocities became known in Paris, Procureur Rigault gave notice that, for every Communard who died at Versailles, he would execute three of the hostages he held in Mazas Prison.
No doubt the Communard press is making great ado about that concession, to whip up public sentiment once more against the Republican government.
The Communard painter Courbet, the abominable Paul Verlaine, they somehow slipped out of the city into safe hiding.
Chin-length, fine and supple and colored like glossy-wet autumn oak leaves, her coif suited more a folk singer or hippie communard than a club-hopping night-gaunt.
Paris Commune, they were also used to bombard Communard positions before attacks by government troops.
Kent-overlook it and chalk it up to the lunatic zeal which affects all those of the Communard persuasion-was Gideon reddened.
Whenever a Communard moved, he would receive a harsh blow from a rifle butt or would be threatened by the bayonet.
He told her about a Prester John Society parade that ended in a fistfight with communard missionaries.
Edouard Vaillant, heir of the old Communard Blanqui, headed a separate Socialist Revolutionary Party from which an extreme wing split off called the Allemanists for its leader, Jean Allemane.
The girl refused because of their difference in opinions: she later married the future communard Jaclart.
Versailles troops, which had just crushed the last remnants of communard resistance.