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common chickweed

n. 1 The herb (taxlink Stellaria media species noshow=1). 2 Any of several plants resembling (taxlink Stellaria media species noshow=1). 3 # (taxlink Ageratum conyzoides species noshow=1) 4 # ''Cerastium'' - (vern mouse-ear chickweed pedia=1) 5 # (taxlink Holosteum genus noshow=1) - (vern jagged chickweed pedia=1) 6 # (taxlink Moenchia genus noshow=1) - (vern upright chickweed pedia=1) 7 # (taxlink Paronychia genus noshow=1) 8 # Other species in ''Stellaria''

common chickweed

n. a common low-growing annual garden weed with small white flowers; cosmopolitan; so-called because it is eaten by chickens [syn: Stellaria media]