The Collaborative International Dictionary
Commodiously \Com*mo"di*ous*ly\, adv. In a commodious manner.
To pass commodiously this life.
adv. In a commodious manner.
Usage examples of "commodiously".
The chief use of a plaid seems to be this, that they could commodiously wrap themselves in it, when they were obliged to sleep without a better cover.
I had no difficulty to mount myself commodiously by the favour of the gentlemen.
Here we were allowed to take our station, and lived very commodiously, while we waited for moderate weather and a fair wind, which we did not so soon obtain, but we had time to get some information of the present state of Col, partly by inquiry, and partly by occasional excursions.
At this place we crossed the Monongehala, in a flat ferry-boat, which very commodiously received our huge coach and four horses.
Burke, who led me very commodiously into conversation with the Duke and Duchess.
I mean, it is a path, and those receptors in your brain which make the psychedelic experience possible are, like everything else about you, under the control of your genes, so that it's reasonable to talk about affinities for this stuff, family lines where it is more commodiously integrated and received -- I think that's very real.