vb. (present participle of commit suicide English)
Usage examples of "committing suicide".
Unfortunately, the Army soon developed a new problem: many of the soldiers became sick of each other after three years, resulting in soldiers committing suicide or going AWOL.
A man who could satisfy every desire the moment it arose would probably end by committing suicide out of boredom.
Can you see a never-say-die character like Mac-Donald, not only a highly decorated officer who fought in a tank regiment for six years but also a nerveless espionage agent for many years after that, committing suicide when things started closing in on him?
So they took away from Qing-jao all the known ways of committing suicide.
Their minds would have been further prejudiced, too, from knowing about the letter, in which it was said that you meant to take an overdose of some Indian heart dope as a prelude to committing suicide.
Stratton had been braying her intention of committing suicide all the evening.
An unhappy yujo might try to escape her enforced servitude by committing suicide with an unattended weapon.
They must have been so desperate they tried it anyway, or else they knew they were committing suicide.
Metellus succumbed, and far from committing suicide among his loving family as the world was informed, he may have died a lonely death.
But, to assume that he took such a roundabout way of committing suicide would be, in the words of my lord the Marquis, fatuous.
Fitzduane considered dropping down through the choust but decided that there were easier ways of committing suicide.