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commit to memory

vb. To learn by heart, to memorize.

Usage examples of "commit to memory".

He was required to commit to memory literally tens of thousands of bits of information, and it was the most difficult job that he had ever undertaken.

Consciously or unconsciously, we select salient information that we need to commit to memory from the blooming, buzzing confusion of the environment around us.

Mereth had drawn for me a Dales map I could show openly, marked with bold lines linking the populated areas, but she had written a private advisory commentary for me to commit to memory so that I could choose less-traveled paths as I forged steadily northwestward.

She bound him, then, in a long and complicated oath which I failed to commit to memory and which Marco repeated letter-perfect, and then summoned him to the altar to anoint his brow with chrism, which I watched in an agony of indecision.

Kahlan realized Richard was smiling to himself, as if trying to commit to memory every detail of her face while at the same time running a thousand other things through his thoughts.

Bond had a good look at it, reflecting that it might be wise to commit to memory the red, which was presumably the easiest and most popular.