vb. (context obsolete English) (en-third-person singular of: come)
Usage examples of "commeth".
Then answered I, God forbid that I should commit such a crime, for though I could fly in the aire as an Eagle or though I were the messenger of Jupiter, yet would I have recourse to nest with thee : and I swear by the knot of thy amiable hair, that since the time I first loved thee, I never fancied any other person : moreover, this commeth to my minde, that if by the vertue of the oyntment I shall become an Owle, I will take heed I will come nigh no mans house : for I am not to learn, how these matrons would handle their lovers, if they knew that they were transformed into Owles : Moreover, when they are taken in any place they are nayled upon posts, and so they are worthily rewarded, because it is thought that they bring evill fortune to the house.
I will tell you a pretty jest, which commeth now to my remembrance, to the intent your eares may be delighted in hearing the same.
As a mad bytch, when as the franticke fitHer burning tongue with rage inflamed hath,Doth runne at randon, and with furious bitSnatching at euery thing, doth wreake her wrathOn man and beast, that commeth in her path.
From whence it commeth to passe, that the Soveraign Power, which foreseeth the necessities and dangers of the Commonwealth, (finding the passage of mony to the publique Treasure obstructed, by the tenacity of the people,) whereas it ought to extend it selfe, to encounter, and prevent such dangers in their beginnings, contracteth it selfe as long as it can, and when it cannot longer, struggles with the people by stratagems of Law, to obtain little summes, which not sufficing, he is fain at last violently to open the way for present supply, or Perish.