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The Collaborative International Dictionary

commercialized \commercialized\ adj.

  1. organized principally for financial gain.

  2. having its focus changed from non-commercial to commercial; as, Christmas has become a commercialized spectacle.

    Syn: commercialised.


vb. (en-past of: commercialize)


adj. organized principally for financial gain; "Christmas has become a commercialized spectacle" [syn: commercialised]

Usage examples of "commercialized".

Leighton: "I do not contend that it is impossible, madam, but it is very difficult in a thoroughly commercialized society, like yours, to have the feelings of a gentleman.

It is big business, in its way, that Carton is fighting—big business in the commercialized ruin of girls, such, perhaps, as Betty Blackwell—a vicious system that enmeshes even those who are its tools.

But we are convinced of this—and it is as far as we go and is what we are out to accomplish—and that is that we can, and are going to, smash protected, commercialized vice as one of the big businesses of New York.

As users / consumers form a habit of using (or consuming) the software - it is commercialized and begins to carry a price tag.

For one thing, television and radio were becoming by then partly commercialized in other societies, too, as an effect of the same concentration of private power that we find in the U.

It is the banality of being a nameless, faceless marketing target continually being bombarded with tons of degrading, commercialized sex while inwardly longing for a single ounce of genuine love that makes people lonely.

Carson drove out of the rest stop in his newly commercialized pickup truck, which in Georgia made him practically invisible.