n. (plural of commensal English)
Usage examples of "commensals".
Argaven's grandfather claimed the Sinoth Valley for Karhide, and the Commensals have never recognized the claim.
And the Commensals of Orgoreyn are mostly sane men, if unintelligent, while the king of Karhide is not only insane but rather stupid.
And it crossed my mind, though I dismissed the idea as baseless, that I had not come to Mishnory to eat roast blackfish with the Commensals of my own free will.
They believed that in doing so Orgoreyn would gain a large and lasting prestige-victory over Karhide, and that the Commensals who engineered this victory would gain according prestige and power in their government.
Obsle haggles and dickers with his fellow Commensals, Yegey employs blandishments, Slose proselytizes, and the strength of their following grows.
Why does not one of the Commensals force the issue and speak of him in a public speech or on the radio?
When dinner was over it was pretty late for going out again, and in any case the Solemnity would keep all the Commensals busy, Shusgis said, until after midnight.
I urged the men I distrusted least among the Thirty-Three Commensals to grant you entry.
Argaven’s grandfather claimed the Sinoth Valley for Karhide, and the Commensals have never recognized the claim.
When dinner was over it was pretty late for going out again, and in any case the Solemnity would keep all the Commensals busy, Shusgis said, until a^ter midnight.
Probably long ago, as some forms of urts became commensals with human beings, so, too, some humans may have become commensals, traveling companions, sharers at the same table, so to speak, with the migratory urt packs.