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n. (plural of command English) vb. (en-third-person singular of: command)

Usage examples of "commands".

His commands were obeyed, and Breslau surrendered to him on the twentieth of December in the morning.

The study is not large for an officer who commands an outpost as large as Inividra, for the room is less than fifteen cubits by ten, and contains but a table desk, a single scroll case, the wooden armchair behind the desk, and four armless straight-backed wooden chairs that face the desk.

Indeed it must be owned, for the honour of that nobleman, that all these officers formed under his example, and raised by his influence, approved themselves in all respects worthy of the commands to which they were preferred.

Niagara, which commands the communication between the lake Ontario and the lake Erie.

Prussians made themselves masters of Cziscaberg, an eminence which commands the town, where the Austrians had a strong redoubt, continuing likewise to strengthen their works.

Louis, with a redoubt, which commands the road in the district of Gosier.

As Commander-in-Chief he had already absorbed into his army and given commands to apostate officers of the northern forces, many of them fellow-alumni of Paoting Military Academy, whose presence strengthened his hand against the left.

You see, we Chinese think that the only way to keep the Americans in the war is to give them a few commands on paper.

The process of embedding provided Michael Gordon extraordinary access over a period of almost five months to a variety of military commands and units.

The Marine plan, which called for coordination among multiple commands, was overly complicated and badly coordinated.

Still, a handful of officers from different commands managed to tamp down ethnic tensions.

As soon as you obey properly, promptly, and, at times, unconsciously, the commands of your officers, as soon as you can cheerfully give up pleasures and personal privileges that conflict with the new order of life to which you have submitted, you will then have become a disciplined man.

They transmit the commands and signals to their squads when necessary.

In large commands it is usually composed of all arms, the proportions depending on the nature of the work, character of the country, etc.

In mixed commands it consists of infantry, to which engineers may be attached.