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vb. (context archaic English) (en-third-person singular of: command)

Usage examples of "commandeth".

Now here is my counsel: Follow where thy heart commandeth and--fear not!

Lord--or mayhap thou art a young Prince--and commandeth me that I shall not do this and I shall not do that.

I win By the deeds that my heart commandeth and the hope that lieth therein.

Where he commandeth, and forbiddeth fast, Man shall not suffer his wife go roll about.

Lob, Lobkyn he Commandeth thee To let her be And set her free, Thou scurvy, cutpurse, outlaw knave, Lest hanged thou be Upon a tree For roguery And villainy, Thou knavish, misbegotten slave.

For it is written, 'He that most courteously commandeth, to him men most obey.

From this, that the Law is a Command, and a Command consisteth in declaration, or manifestation of the will of him that commandeth, by voyce, writing, or some other sufficient argument of the same, we may understand, that the Command of the Commonwealth, is Law only to those, that have means to take notice of it.

The difficulty therefore consisteth in this, that men when they are commanded in the name of God, know not in divers Cases, whether the command be from God, or whether he that commandeth, doe but abuse Gods name for some private ends of his own.

And then would he upon his Bible seek That ilke* proverb of Ecclesiast, *same Where he commandeth, and forbiddeth fast, Man shall not suffer his wife go roll about.