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coming into being

vb. (present participle of come into being English)

Usage examples of "coming into being".

The small sword was developed in France at the time when a distinct French school of fencing was also coming into being.

To preserve themselves, then, they must prevent that race from coming into being, and so they had committed themselves to accomplish just that.

What is 'so-of-itself,' sui generis in Latin, means coming into being spontaneously on its own accord, and that, incidentally, is the real meaning of virgin birth.

The United States is also a nation coming into being by robbing the lands of other nations—.

Saddle the world coming into being with an aristocracy of the robe which was no better, in the end, than any aristocracy of the sword.

Our Pattern would never have permitted its construction had it not been damaged itself and too weak to prevent its coming into being.

The new type of man is coming into being gradually and so far unnoticed.

Was this coincidence, or was there some supraplanetary culture coming into being among the young?

My thought, however, is that the principal cause of the trouble is the coming into being of this multiplicity of political parties, particularly those composed principally of crackpots and extremists.

Silence then understood that something between him and these objects was slowly coming into being, something that concealed them and obstructed his vision by inserting itself in the line of sight between them and himself.

If a condition is attached to the contract's coming into being, there is as yet no contract.

Morison knew that his third went off, because the error-figures vanished, almost in the instant of their coming into being, as its detecting and transmitting instruments were destroyed.