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coming forth

vb. (present participle of come forth English)

Usage examples of "coming forth".

Again, when lovers are coming forth, soft music often conducts them on the stage, either to soothe the audience with the softness of the tender passion, or to lull and prepare them for that gentle slumber in which they will most probably be composed by the ensuing scene.

All being, at last, in readiness, five heralds in coats of arms mounted the platform, and stationed themselves upon it, awaiting the lords coming forth from the Parliament House.

The earliest riser, coming forth in the dim twilight, would perceive a vaguely defined figure aloft on the place of shame.

Children, too young to comprehend wherefore this woman should be shut out from the sphere of human charities, would creep nigh enough to behold her plying her needle at the cottage-window, or standing in the doorway, or laboring in her little garden, or coming forth along the pathway that led townward.

Thus indeed, dear, all these beings, coming forth from the Real, know not, nor say: We have come from the Real.

Even so, only about half the men got breakfast before warning cries from the sentries in the shooting pits out in front of the main line announced that the southrons were indeed coming forth.

Accordingly, the others arose, and, coming forth from out the thicket, they all turned their toes back again to Sherwood.

Small wonder that at the time I sensed my coming forth had disconcerted Akhmim, throwing him off-balance.