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adv. In a comforting manner


adv. in a comforting or consoling manner; "one part of a strange world should be given a comfortingly familiar form" [syn: consolingly]

Usage examples of "comfortingly".

She sensed movement as Adonis knelt beside her, and that he studied her for several moments before hesitantly placing one arm around her comfortingly.

The road led northeastward, comfortingly eggshell-white in the glare of the headlights.

He decided on a key-note of Duncan Phyfe mahogany in accurate reproductions, graceful for summer, warm-hued for winter fire-light, and he was able to have all of it made together by one manufacturer, at a comfortingly reasonable price.

Her impartial curses at the solvent, the rig, and Valkyr blue the air comfortingly.

Although the room smelled comfortingly familiar, of spices, of the burning wood fire, of the lemon oil the robots rubbed into the antiques, she felt cast adrift.

Once down, he flicked the safety over to autofire and walked unhurriedly to the waiting men, chopper cradled comfortingly against him.

The overcoated arm came heavily up and the hand patted him comfortingly on the shoulder.

When she finished, when she explained that she was glad again to hear his voice and could now appreciate his dire warnings, the friar smiled comfortingly and put his hand over hers.

Mnementh crooned comfortingly and then dove at a patch, breathing fire.

Every few steps I called ahead, crooningly, comfortingly, "It's Walter, Mary Kathleen.

Berthelot said to him comfortingly, “If the Germans commit the imprudence of an enveloping maneuver through northern Belgium, so much the better!

Above it, a hanging lamp with a cobalt-blue shade, small and bright like a jewel, glowed comfortingly.

She felt into her purse, hand closing comfortingly around the small bottle of pepper spray attached to her key chain.

The stone jar had been set in a pot of boiling water to liquefy the contents, and it was comfortingly warm to the touch.

She tiptoed to bring her warm cheek comfortingly against his and with one hand she smoothed the back of his hair.